
[Tcl] How to know decimal representation of binary float

I wrote experimental script to convert binary float to decimal.


set exponent 00000001
set mantissa 10001001001101110100110
binary scan [binary format B* $exponent] c exponent
set exponent [expr {$exponent - 127}]
if {$exponent <= -127} {
	set mantissa "$mantissa"
} else {
	set mantissa "1$mantissa"
set i 0
set sum 0.0
foreach b [split $mantissa {}] {
	set sum [expr {$sum + pow(2,$exponent-$i)*$b}]
	incr i
puts $sum
#=> 1.80555933856e-038

Decoding IEEE754 Single Precision Floating Point Number in Tcl - NaN, Infinite etc.

Each version of Tcl recognizes big-endian IEEE754 encoded exceptional single precision floating point numbers like followings.

set exponent 00000001
set mantissa 10001001001101110100110
binary scan [binary format B* $exponent] c exponent
set exponent [expr {$exponent - 127}]
if {$exponent <= -127} {
	set mantissa "$mantissa"
} else {
	set mantissa "1$mantissa"
set i 0
set sum 0.0
foreach b [split $mantissa {}] {
	set sum [expr {$sum + pow(2,$exponent-$i)*$b}]
	incr i
puts $sum
#=> 1.80555933856e-038