
TkBLT Windows binaries

This is binary build of William Joye's TkBLT.

Latest build

TkBLT v3.2.22

How to build


./configure --prefix=/c/bin/tcl8.6.10 --with-tcl=/c/src/tcl8.6.10/win --with-tk=/c/src/tk8.6.10/win --enable-threads CC=g++ CPPFLAGS="-static"
make install


./configure --prefix=/c/bin/tcl8.6.10-x64 --with-tcl=/c/src/tcl8.6.10-x64/win --with-tk=/c/src/tk8.6.10-x64/win --enable-threads CC=g++ --enable-64bit CPPFLAGS="-static"
make install

I needed to delete the following files in MSYS2 in order to remove the dependency on MinGW DLLs. CPPFLAGS="-static" was not enough.

  • C:\msys64\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib\libpthread.dll.a
  • C:\msys64\mingw32\lib\gcc\i686-w64-mingw32\7.3.0\libstdc++.dll.a

Tcl patchlevel insensitive patch

TkBLT is a stab-enabled package but it works with the exact patchlevel at which it was built. I used Tcl/Tk 8.6.8. So it can't be used in 8.6.7 or 8.6.9. I found a workaround. Note that it might be against author's intention.


TkBLT v3.2.21

TkBLT v3.2.20

TkBLT v3.2.17

TkBLT v3.2.14

TkBLT v3.2.13

TkBLT v3.2.10

TkBLT v3.2.9